Moving in new ways
One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
Leonardo da Vinci
I still don't love my body but I am very very slowly starting to like it.
It is taking a very long time.
Longer than I expected.
I am learning to appreciate the importance of patience.
After seven months of daily practice, I am loving the way it moves.
I love the way it looks in Warrior I pose.
I love the way my head can now look towards the sky in Triangle pose.
Yoga is about connecting my heart and my spirit to my body. It is about joining my dots and my chakra points.
Movement is not only my medicine. It is also a great joy.
It is about those tiny moments, when I can feel something inside me has shifted. That my muscles have been stretched. That my alignment has changed.
I have paid a high price for being overweight but weightloss is not my goal.
My goal is to stretch myself.
To create new designs.
To explore new perspectives.
To move in new ways!