Plus size yoga and the wisdom of the body
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.
Friedrich Nietzsche
A few months ago my I was unable to flex and separate my toes. The connection was just not happening. It has been a slow process. It has taken a lot of focus and concentrated effort but I can now flex and separate the toes on my right foot. The toes on my left foot are more flexible and last week I was actually able to flex and curl them for the first time.
The foot-brain connection, is important. It's your feet, which support you. It's your feet that carry you through life. Your feet help you to balance. The foot-brain connection, is so important that when activated, it allows us to move with calm, certainty, and security. Feet are not just blocks at the bottom of our legs.
It is believed that the body and soul are connected and even embodied in the soles of the feet. The foot is a masterwork of complexity with 26 bones, 111 ligaments, and 20 muscles. Leonardo da Vinci called it "a masterpiece of engineering.